

Everything you need to know about the color chartreuse | Hex Code


What Color is Chartreuse?

The color chartreuse is somewhere between green and yellow. There is chartreuse Green, also known as (Web Chartreuse) and chartreuse Yellow, also known as (Traditional Chartreuse). Simply increase the dominance of the colors green and yellow to get the desired version of the color. Chartreuse green is also sometimes known as lime green or apple green. Chartreuse yellow is also known as mellow yellow.

Chartreuse hex code: #DFFF00


The word Chartreuse is French in origin, which means Charterhouse, which is the name given to the Carthusian Monasteries. It’s within these monasteries where the monks produced Chartreuse liqueur.

Chartreuse green and yellow get their names due to their similarity in color to those French liqueurs; green chartreuse was released in 1764, and yellow chartreuse was released in 1838.

What does yellow-green represent?
The tertiary color yellow-green is most commonly perceived to be an exciting and vibrant shade, evoking feelings of joy and cheeriness. Chartreuse represents enthusiasm, happiness, nature, growth, and youth. Like standard green, chartreuse is associated with the liveliness and the blossoming of spring. However, in contrast, it can also stand for sickness, jealousy, and cowardice.


The color was named after a French liqueur called “chartreuse” which has a greenish-yellow hue. The liqueur was first produced in 1605 by the Carthusian monks of France, but likely not marketed to the public until the 1730s.

In 1884, the name of this drink was first used as a color name when it was mentioned in a British fashion newspaper until. By the late 1800’s both silk and velvet fabrics were being produced in the color chartreuse and used to create stylish accessories including feather fans, gowns, purses, shoes, and hats.

In the 1920s, chartreuse was a very popular choice for dresses because of its bold and rebellious nature. Chartreuse resurged in the late 1950s as a common color choice for clothing and furniture. In the 1960’s, its boldness appealed to young people. Yellow-green began to be used in both psychedelic color schemes and nature-oriented palettes. Famous fashion designers began incorporating chartreuse heavily into their creations. Although the color fell out of favor in the 1970s, it made a comeback in the late 1980s. By the 2000s, chartreuse became favored as decorative color in offices of tech companies. This is because it is believed to be a reflection of individuality and creative thinking.


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